

Revolutionise employee experience with technology

Transform the technology landscape into a collaborative and accessible space, paving the way for a brighter, more agile future.

Why employee experience matters?

Enable Access to Better Technology
Equip employees with the best tools to excel in their roles, moving beyond limited, inefficient solutions.

Educate Employees About Safe & Efficient Usage
To effectively manage SaaS applications and tackle shadow IT, companies must shift from reactive discovery to proactive monitoring.

Engage Employees in Digital Transformation
Request feedback on usage and simplify new solution requests, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

core capabilities

Share Your SaaS Catalogue

  • Make it easy for employees and IT teams to use and maintain the SaaS catalogue.
  • Share your standards asynchronously.
  • Display the app status while in use.
  • Provide useful information about ecosystem solutions.
Share Your SaaS Catalogue
Share Your SaaS Catalogue

Provide SaaS Usage Guidelines

  • Offer transparent and clear communications directly when using SaaS.
  • Share usage guidelines (authorised, banned, etc.).
  • Provide use cases for existing apps.
  • Offer a contact person for each application to address employee questions.
Provide SaaS Usage Guidelines
Provide SaaS Usage Guidelines

Redirect Employees to Standard Solutions

  • Guide employees towards the right tools and ensure compliance.
  • Redirect to standard solutions.
  • Guide with the right tools.
  • Alert on non-compliance usage.
Redirect Employees to Standard Solutions

next step: act now

In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, swift action is crucial. The ongoing democratization of technology will reshape the workplace, workforce, and organisations, driving future innovation.

Insights and Innovations

Stay updated with the latest trends and fresh perspectives on tech.

Beamy is committed to security excellence: Certified ISO 27001 & SOC 2 Type II Report completed
Blog4 min

Beamy is committed to security excellence: Certified ISO 27001 & SOC 2 Type II Report completed

Navigating DORA Regulations for Financial Entities
Blog5 min

Navigating DORA Regulations for Financial Entities

Managing the SaaS Revolution: From Shadow IT to Business-Led IT
Blog5 min

Managing the SaaS Revolution: From Shadow IT to Business-Led IT

Talk to One of Our SaaS Experts

Talk to One of Our SaaS Experts

We'd be delighted to understand your challenges, assess your needs, and help you regain full control of your SaaS ecosystem.